Buying and Selling at the Same Time Doesn’t Have to Be Scary

If you’ve been thinking of buying and selling simultaneously, I have a couple options for you to make it an easy transition.

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People often ask, “How do I buy and sell at the same time?” The biggest concern a lot of us have is how exactly to make the move from an old house to a new one. Well, there are a couple of different options which may work for you.

You can buy a new house first before you sell. If you are comfortable doing this and have the financial ability to do so, this could be an option for you. Of course, be aware that there’s a risk you’ll end up with two mortgage payments for longer than you want.

You can also sell your current home first before finding a new house to move into. If you sell your house first you will know exactly how much money you have to buy your new home.

Sellers can live for free in their old home because of the market creating demand for their home.

There have been a number of occasions where we were able to negotiate what is called a ‘rent-back’ for our sellers. A rent-back is where the current homeowners get paid for their home, get cashed out on their equity, and then are able to continue living in the property for an additional 30 days or so past closing. Doing this buys them time to find a replacement property. Essentially, sellers can live for free in their old home because of market demand.

When it comes to making a home purchase, we’re often able to help clients find properties by knocking on doors in the neighborhood they’d like to move to. We can get really targeted and specific about the area in which you’d like to search. By sending out letters and door-knocking in that area we are able to procure options for you.

All of this being said, we would be happy to help you manage your transactions. When it comes to pricing your home effectively to get it sold, we're experts and can help give you some guidance in that to make sure that you're not carrying two mortgages longer than need be.

If you have any additional questions on this topic, please don’t hesitate to call or email. I look forward to speaking with you.

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