Should You Wait To Sell Your Home?

Our market conditions suggest sellers should act sooner rather than later.

With how volatile the market is, does it make sense to sell your home now, or should you wait? Many homeowners are asking this question. After all, home values will continue to rise, so wouldn’t it be better to let home prices rise before selling? That way, you could extract the maximal value from your sale. Today I’ll address this question and some concerns that I have for those thinking of waiting.

First, let’s consider what’s going on in the market. As I said, home prices are on the rise. As prices go up, your pool of potential buyers shrinks since fewer people will be able to afford your home. The Federal Reserve has also announced that they’re going to increase interest rates multiple times. They’ve already jumped quite a bit in just the last few weeks. Rising rates also have the effect of reducing your buying pool.

"You’ll have a larger buying pool now than you will later in the year."

It’s not hard to see why consumer confidence has been getting lower and lower. Many are starting to wonder if it’s even worth it to pay that much for a home anymore. If confidence continues to drop, that’s even fewer buyers in the market who will be prepared to make you an offer. That, in turn, means the value of your home will go down since you won’t be able to take advantage of high demand and bidding wars to boost your sales price.

With all that in mind, if you’re thinking about selling your home in 2022, I strongly encourage you to take action sooner rather than later. You’ll have a larger buying pool now than you will later in the year, meaning that you’re more likely to get a higher price if you don't wait.

If you have any questions or need help getting the sales process started, don’t hesitate to give me a call or send me an email. Hope to hear from you soon!

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