Will Home Appreciation Increase This Year?

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If you’re considering moving from one state to another or thinking about investing in a second home, CoreLogic recently created an important infographic on forecasted year-over-year home appreciation values. It explains their projections about the real estate market based on more than 100 analysts, broken down by each state.

The country’s predicted average of home appreciation is 5.5%. In Washington, it rests at 7% appreciation. If we look back at history, data from around World War II shows homes appreciate at 5% a year. That’s a good indicator we can reference.

The country’s predicted average of home appreciation is 5.5%.

We’ve experienced significant growth in our marketplace, but it’s starting to stabilize. Overall, the housing market continues to grow and expand. It looks like we’re in good standing!

Thinking about buying or selling a home in Pierce County? Give me a call or send me an email as soon as you can. I’d be happy to talk!

1 comment :

  1. Great information and really good news for our housing economy. Thanks Chad
